How To Resolve DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar

Getting DOE 2 error in Aadhaar while enrolling for Aadhaar enrolment or updating. Let’s learn how to correct error in Aadhaar Online.

How To Resolve DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar

What is DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar Online?

The DOE (Document Error) 2 usually refers to a mistake or violation when operators incorrectly handle or verify documents, leading to errors that can result in penalties or the operator being blacklisted.

What is DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar Online?

Below is a step-by-step guide on resolving DOE 2 error online:

How To Resolve DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar Online

The DOE 2 error usually points to issues such as:

  • Invalid or expired documents.
  • Poor document quality (blurry or unreadable scans).
  • Mismatched data, especially in names.

If you’ve encountered this error, the issue is likely with the documentation submitted during your Aadhaar enrolment or update process. Identifying whether it’s a data mismatch, document quality, or invalid document will help in fixing the problem.

Steps to Resolve this Aadhar Error

While Aadhaar document errors are typically addressed in person at Aadhaar centres, you can initiate some steps online to expedite the process:

  • Login to the UIDAI portal: Visit the official UIDAI website (
  • Locate Update Section: Navigate to the “Update Aadhaar” section. From here, you can select “Update Aadhaar Online” or book an appointment at an Aadhaar Seva Kendra.
  • Correct Information: Review your document submission and check for mismatched names, incorrect data entries, or poor-quality document scans.
  • Submit Supporting Documents: Upload new, valid documents that meet the criteria. These should be clear, and all data should match across documents.
  • Verify OTP: Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number to complete the process.

Documents to Use

Make sure you use valid documents like:

  • PAN Card
  • Passport
  • Driving License
  • Voter ID
  • Bank Passbook

The details on your documents should exactly match your Aadhaar application.

Avoiding DOE 2 Errors

To avoid this error, double-check that all information on your documents is accurate and up to date. Ensure high-quality document scans to avoid poor resolution errors.

Always cross-check data across multiple documents to prevent mismatches.

Consequences for Operators: DOE II in Aadhar

For operators, accumulating 30 or more DOE 2 errors in a month could result in a 180-day suspension. Also it can go more worse, if 50 or more errors in a month will lead to a one-year suspension.

This is important to understand, as it means that operators must adhere strictly to documentation protocols, making it vital for users to provide the correct documents the first time around.

Final Verdict: DOE 2 Error in Aadhaar Online

After updating your documents online, you will receive an acknowledgment and can track your update status. If necessary, visit an Aadhaar Seva Kendra to resolve any remaining issues.

Also, by taking these steps and ensuring proper documentation, you can prevent or quickly resolve DOE 2 errors, ensuring a smoother Aadhaar enrolment or update process.

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