Have issues streaming videos on FOX.com, FOXSports.com, or FOXNation.com? Let’s learn how to fix error 403-1000 fox sports.
How To Fix Error 403-1000 Fox Sports
The fox sports error 403-1000 is generated within the channel provider’s authentication systems. You will have to reach out to both of your TV providers to have them check your subscription/account.

Also, ensure that you have the correct entitlements for the service you are trying to use. If fox support confirms that they have fixed the 403-1000 error for you then you should be able to access that content/channel with your subscription, you can report the issue you are running into and request any help they may be able to provide.
Fix Error 403-1000
We recommend you contact the channel provider directly to report the issue of error 403-1000 when trying to authenticate with your specific provider and request that they investigate.
You can reach Fox support here: https://help.fox.com/s/support-form
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