How To Fix Error Code 99 in Axis Bank

In this article, we will dive into the details of error code 99 in Axis Bank, its potential causes, and steps you can take to fix it.

How To Fix Error Code 99 in Axis Bank

If you’re a customer of Axis Bank and have come across an “error code 99” while using its services, you may be wondering what this means and how to resolve it.

Error Code 99 in Axis Bank


What is Error Code 99 in Axis Bank?

Error code 99 in Axis Bank is a generic error message that appears when a transaction cannot be completed due to technical issues. It is an error code that may appear while using Axis Bank’s mobile app, internet banking, or ATM services.

Potential Causes of Error Code 99

Several factors may lead to error code 99 in Axis Bank, including:

  1. Network Connectivity: Poor or unstable network connectivity is one of the most common reasons why error code 99 appears while using Axis Bank services.
  2. Technical Glitch: Sometimes, Axis Bank’s servers may experience a technical glitch, which can cause error code 99 to appear.
  3. Account Related Issues: If there is an issue with your Axis Bank account, such as insufficient funds, your transactions may not go through, and you may see error code 99.

How to Fix Error Code 99 in Axis Bank

Here are some steps you can take to fix error code 99 in Axis Bank:

  1. Check Network Connectivity: Ensure that your device is connected to a stable internet connection or network. You can also try switching to a different network to see if the error persists.
  2. Retry the Transaction: If you receive error code 99 while making a transaction, try repeating the transaction after a few minutes.
  3. Check Your Account Balance: Ensure that you have sufficient funds in your account before making a transaction.
  4. Contact Axis Bank Customer Support: If error code 99 persists despite trying the above steps, you can contact Axis Bank’s customer support for assistance. They can help identify the root cause of the problem and provide a solution. login


In summary, error code 99 in Axis Bank is a generic error message that can appear while using its services. It can be caused by network connectivity issues, technical glitches, or account-related issues. If you encounter error code 99, try checking your network connectivity, retrying the transaction, contacting Axis Bank’s customer support, and ensuring that you have sufficient funds in your account.

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