How to Fix Hulu Error Code P-Dev320: Proven Solution

If you are getting an error message ‘We’re having trouble playing this’ while using Hulu on your Roku device. Let’s learn how to fix Hulu Error Code P-Dev320.

How to Fix Hulu Error Code P-Dev320

What is Hulu Error Code P-DEV320?

There is no official statement from Roku or Hulu regarding the cause of this error. However, according to our analysis, the Hulu error code P-DEV320 likely occurs due to a compatibility issue between the Hulu app and the device’s settings.

You can double-verify this by attempting to log in to the Hulu account on a laptop. If the login succeeds without any issues, it further supports the possibility of a device-specific compatibility problem.

How to Fix Hulu Error Code P-Dev320

If your Hulu account logs in and plays without any issues on your laptop, then you need to change the display settings on your Roku device. As we already mentioned, the P Dev320 is a device-related issue, and adjusting the display settings should resolve it.

How To Change Display Settings in Roku

Go to Settings > Display Type and change the display setting from ‘Automatic,’ which includes HDR10, to the setting that matches the resolution of your TV without HDR. Then, restart the Roku and reopen Hulu after the reboot.

When to Contact Hulu Customer Care

If you have tried the methods we mentioned above and they didn’t work for you, as well as the basic troubleshooting steps outlined by Hulu (Hulu General Troubleshooting)—such as deleting and reinstalling the Hulu app, logging out and back into the app, rebooting multiple times (both using the on-screen reboot option and by removing power for several minutes), and ensuring the Hulu app is up to date.

Then we suggest you contact Hulu support for help. Visit

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